Programme Selections Complete – 91 Art Providers to Offer Experiences for Year 8 Pupils in 2025–2026

Photo: Robert Seger
The Art Testers cultural education programme will once again provide high-quality art experiences to all Year 8 pupils in Finland during the 2025–26 academic year. A record-breaking 183 applications were submitted to the programme’s open call, offering nearly 200 unique experiences from across the country. A total of 91 art providers were selected to participate.
Young people will be offered a wide range of art visits spanning various art forms. Each year, the programme includes both traditional art forms such as opera, theatre, and art exhibitions, as well as contemporary art like modern dance and circus. The selected content is specifically tailored to suit the age group and delivered by professional artists. The aim is to introduce young people to worlds they may not otherwise encounter.
The selection process placed particular emphasis on the pedagogical elements outlined in the application plans. The goal of the Art Testers programme is to provide school pupils with unforgettable art experiences that could spark a lifelong interest in culture. In addition to artistic quality and innovative audience engagement, selections were influenced by feedback from student and teacher panels consisting of over 500 participants, as well as practical considerations such as the availability of regional venues, scheduling, and audience capacity. The anniversary years of the Church of Finland and the City of Oulu in 2026 also played a role in the selections.
The number of art visits and works included in the programme will exceed the number of selected providers, as some organisations have had multiple works or venues approved. A detailed list of the visits will be published in May 2025.
The Art Testers cultural education programme is produced by the Association of Children’s Culture in Finland and funded by private foundations, the Finnish Cultural Foundation and Svenska kulturfonden, which have committed to financing the programme until summer 2027. The goal is to transfer funding to the state budget by that time.
Art Providers Participating in the Art Testers Programme for the 2025–2026 Academic Year
Akseli Klonk
Arctic Ensemble
Aurinkobaletti Dance Company
Chamber choir Key Ensemble
Cirko – Center for New Circus
Concert Centre Finland
Dance Theatre ERI
Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth
Dance Theatre Minimi
EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art
Finnish Baroque Orchestra
Finnish National Opera and Ballet
Flow Productions
Folk Extreme
Game Music Collective
Helsingin Kaupunginteatteri
Hitaat Liikkeet
Hurja Tuotanto
Hämeenlinnan Teatteri
Imatra Art Museum
Improvisaatioteatteri Stella Polaris
Joensuun kaupunginorkesteri
Joensuun kaupunginteatteri
JoJo – Oulun Tanssin Keskus
Jyväskylä Sinfonia
Jyväskylän kaupunginteatteri
Jyväskylä Art Museum
Järvenpään kulttuuri- ja tapahtumapalvelut / Järvenpää-talo
Kajaanin kaupunginteatteri
Kansallinen audiovisuaalinen instituutti KAVI
Kansallisgalleria: Ateneum, Kiasma & Sinebrychoff
Keski-Pohjanmaan Kamariorkesteri
Keski-Suomen Tanssin Keskus
Kinetic Orchestra
Kino Aurora
Kokkolan kaupunginteatteri
Kouvolan Teatteri
Kuhmon Kamarimusiikki
Kunsthalle Seinäjoki
Kuntsin Museum of Modern Art
Kuopion kaupunginteatteri
Kuopion Sirkus
Kuopio Symphony Orchestra
Kuopion taidemuseo
Lahden kaupunginorkesteri, Sinfonia Lahti
Lahden kaupunginteatteri
Lappeenrannan kaupunginteatteri
Lappeenranta Art museum
Midnight Sun Film Festival, Sodankylä
MimoArt Company
Opera BOX
Oulu Art Museum
Oulu Music Festival
Oulu Sinfonia
Oulun teatteri
Pori Sinfonietta
Pori Art Museum
Porin Teatteri
Race Horse Company and Circo Aereo
Rovaniemen Teatteri
Savonlinnan Teatteri
Seinäjoen kaupunginorkesteri
Seinäjoen kaupunginteatteri
Sointi Jazz Orchestra
Sorin Sirkus
Suomen Kansallisteatteri
Svenska Teatern
Taiteilijayhdistys Hiljaisuus
Tampereen Komediateatteri
Tampereen Teatteri
Tampereen Työväen Teatteri
Teater Viirus
Teatteri Imatra
The Aine Art Museum
The Finnish Museum of Photography
The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Tsuumi Dance Theatre
Turku Philharmonic Orchestra
Turku Art Museum
Turun Kaupunginteatteri
UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra
Vaasa City Orchestra
Vaasan kaupunginteatteri
Wasa Teater
Åbo Svenska Teater
Ålands musikinstitut